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Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson – My Thoughts

Who is not interested in knowing about Steve Jobs, All Apple fanatics, Technology Enthusiasts, Entrepreneurs, Competitors, Students? I am one of them who wanted to look into him on how he made world talk about him. Movie Steve Jobs directed by Danny Boyle interested me to start reading his book. But, after almost a year of laziness I got to see this book in my cricket mate’s house and got from her. Even after bringing this book to my room, I never opened a page but stared at him. After 2 long weeks, I opened the book to read. Reading one after the other page, one after the other chapter excited me to read more and know more. The excitement is not just how it went in his life, but the ones which didn’t go anything as of his and the comparison of many lives with him. So, I decided to write my understandings from this book chapter wise.

      Reading How this book idea actually came out from the Man itself to postponing and finally, time forcing the then Time Magazine’s columnist, Isaacson to write about the time steve jobs spent, learnt, reacted, owned through HIS book before steve completing his Time, I found this Chapter 1 childhood: Abandoned and chosen is the most important stage and the foundation of the Steve Jobs empire. The chapter mentions that how Conservative Catholic Father’s threat to his daughter from marrying Syrian Post graduate Muslim made her to give birth to a child and then for adoption to  well-educated Parents but it does not happen as steve jobs parents has been adopted by paul jobs and clara. catholic abusive father Of Paul jobs, Conservative catholic father threating his daughter to disown her if she marries a man other than their religion, a Muslim doctorate and marriage of a catholic and muslim (after job’s biological maternal grandfather death, his biological parents married) took me into deep thoughts of how we messed up our lives with these religions, races, castes and gender  holding the same situations even today in many parts of the world especially in India where I came from watching them and been increased both in America and India about the intentions made up towards other religions, other castes and other people. This is not exactly the same situations happening but of similar thoughts, similar identities, similar attitudes, similar hatred which abandoned him. But, what made him special are those uneducated parents who loved him, worked hard to fulfill his needs, His Father’s love towards his job (His father is Machinist), His Fathers perfection in designing, making steve to concentrate those details of the things which are not even visible. One such example that is explained in the book is the cabin work that his father paul jobs worked on made me think his craving for perfection lies here and the credit of details of Apple products must have credits of his father. Not to forget his Neighbor engineer who gave him the to-do kits (assembly kits) making speakers, radio and his 4th grade teacher who diverted his boredom, mischiefs, pranks by giving him challenging tasks (His mother taught him reading before he joined the school and that’s the reason for his boredom which paved way for pranks, mischiefs and troubles). Though he had felt abandoned as his friends, class mates and he himself points out at times, he is always remembered that He is special by his parents at personal level and by his teachers at intellectual level that’s where at a point his school suggested he can skip 2 classes. His electronics teacher, Hewlett Packard gave him a step ahead interesting him more with the electronics. He also tells that his feelings of abandoned made him work more so that the abandoners can get him back in his life. His feeling of abandoned was with him for so long that He was cruel at times; He also became an abandoner (later took his daughter’s responsibility) because of His feeling of abandon. Though abandoned because of the attitudes, wrong thinking, and discrimination of one towards others, the feeling of special, Love from his parents (Paul jobs, clara jobs), teachers, exposure to the things he got interested in, environment he was brought up has made ‘STEVE JOBS’.

“Stop Hatred on the basis of Caste, Creed, Region, Religion and Country. Only Love brings peace and can make Human Win.” 


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